What at first seemed a bit awkward . . . {& kind of ugly} . . . quickly became quite a passionate kiss {gulp} VS Blair and Nate . . . maybe a little more romantic …but definitely PG {BO-RING} . . . .and then Chuck and Vanessa seal the deal …I mean, seriously, who …
Julia Roberts on Letterman 2009
While I am not super impressed by her new movie that is out {with Clive Owen}, Duplicity {mostly because I think she may be too old for this particular role …and I hate that I even think that!} but she was so great on Letterman last night …right down to her outfit {which is a …
Whatever, Martha! Is Martha Stewart’s Daughter Roasting Her mOm
Martha Stewart’s daughter, Alexis Stewart, and friend Jennifer Koppelman Hutt are my new favorite women to watch on television. HANDS DOWN. I just cannot believe it’s taken me so long to find them. I randomly happened upon Whatever, Martha! on FLN a couple of nights ago {as usual, as I was trying to get some …
The Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show 2008
Although handfuls of air kisses were blown my way and far too many stomping models pointing to members in the audience, the show was good. I was a virgin {seriously caught it by accident} and I thought it was done really well. Clearly good enough to grab my camera and pause the DVR every 2 …
Seriously, Gossip Girl is crack to me! It was so fucking good last night I cannot stop thinking about it. Like …CANNOT. STOP. I have to watch it upstairs, in our bedroom because 1. My husband does. not. care. and 2. Because we have a DVR in the bedroom which means I can rewind it …
4 Year Old Artist Marla Olmstead Sells Painting for 20K
I got four hours of sleep last night. I am not a happy Maegan today. But the main reason was because I ate too much chocolate ice-cream and the sugar kept me up I was watching a documentary about a new artist. A new artist named Marla Olmstead …whose original paintings were selling for 20K …
Project Runway’s Kenley and her fabulous dress
This dress is so fabulous {even with the Balenciaga silhouette} I want to own it! Yes, the seat belt jacket was fantastic too but this dress? Incredible. It was the best of the best HANDS DOWN! I’m actually really surprised by Leanne. I didn’t think she had it in her. Bravo! ..ehehehe. This is what …