Prior to 2011 the most frequently asked question I received was “Who takes your photos?” …and the answer was & is me. But since the beginning of the year, the question has changed to “What kind of camera do you use?” And here, my friends, is the answer to that question. * click the large …
You Smiled like the Sun – Kisses for everyone
*note the palm trees in my sunglasses – weee! Since having my new camera & prime lens & God I don’t know why I didn’t get it sooner – and can’t figure out how to take my own outfit shots like I used to with my little powershot cameras, my bro has taken over as …

Summertime… and The livin’s easy
Sources: The Beauty File, Fashion Gone Rogue, Panoramio, Photographers Galley {Slim Aarons}, Real Estate on Catalina Island & Mine from our staycay in Santa Monica last year

Cute Overload : Unlikely Pets
I can’t stop thinking about getting a little pig …though my french bulldog is very similar to a little pot belly …but the tiny baby goat is now in the running as well. I cannot handle the cuteness. * images by Mark Tucker, man & camel by David Rombaut, man and duck by Sandy Powers
. . . hot HOT! Summer *
. . . is coming. And I’m excited. all images via Tweet
Slim Aarons Photography
Currently pondering art to decorate our master bedroom walls with, my first thought {and choice} are a few framed prints by a photographer who made his career out of what he called “photographing attractive people doing attractive things in attractive places” –Slim Aarons. A few years ago, in a post titled Slim Aaarons Captures My …
Mondern 50 ~ Photography then Furniture
I was so taken aback by the composition and color of these photographs on Modern 50/Factory 20 I hardly noticed that the spectacular vintage pieces were actually for sale. I spent the good part of an hour on their site simply staring at the photographs. Here are my favorites …but the vintage objects shots are …

. . . speaking of nudes
I’ve been a fan of controversial artist Spencer Tunick since watching a documentary in or around 2001-02 on HBO titled Naked States. And promptly after viewing it, I went online, found and chose my favorite images and printed them on 8×10 photo paper and framed them. They still reside in our downstairs bathroom …and I …

“We must be willing to let go of the life we have planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us.” ~ E.M. Forester Such an amazing quote. So true. So so so true, it’s not even funny. The goal is to really just let go… let go of what you think …
Summertime Rolls
Oscar Falk and Lars BottenTwo photographers I simply cannot get enough of lately. Summertime Rolls
Lars Botten Photography
. . . is just breathtakingly beautifully sexy Lars Botten Photography I’ve been uploading nonstop to my tumblr blog …which I now have found a glorious use for. …more there. . . as well.
Zhang Peng Photography
Zhang draws from the devices of science fiction to create an aura of exotic premonition: entrapped by a barrage of arrows or wandering through a field with their heads encased in plastic, his futuristic youths become evocative terrains of vulnerability and corrupted innocence. …more @
Julia Galdo & Cody Cloud Photography
…loving Julia Galdo and Cody Cloud Photography.
A Few Birthday Gifts Revealed
My Father-in-law bestowed upon me this fabulous new digital camera for my birthday and I am so excited about it I can’t even begin to explain it to you. What I will explain is why I chose the Canon Power Shot SX1 IS over, let’s just say, a non-power-shot-digital-SLR camera …and the reason is . …