…via …via Acceptable . . .* Longer * …via …via Free Pass . . . * With Tights * …via {this is Kate Moss though} Always acceptable . . .* In the name of Humor * …via * Halloween * * If you’re this guy *
The Girl Hawk: Hot or Not?
I happen to LOVE the girl hawk. I’m too old now but I did rock a faux version on occasion and come really close to shaved sides …but never full-out. Maegan c., 2004 …with fake pony hawk Maegan c., 2003 …short but still a faux hawk ..so tough… L.OL. uncropped shot Maegan 1995-96 …super short …

Camel Toe : Hot or Not : Part Deux
The HIGHLY Anticipated Sequel to Camel Toe: Hot or Not? I know, but hear me out 😉 Superhero Toe? Spock Toe? Drunk Rocker Toe? Surprised by your own toe on the internet Toe? Harry Toe? Anorexic Model Toe? Tron Toe? Desperate Toe? Fierce Toe? Celebrity Gossip Blogger Toe? Runway Toe? Aren’t Hot Wheels made for …

Camel Toe: Hot or Not? (Part One)
I honestly can’t say that she’s not hot. 70’s Camel Toe: Kinda hot? Does aged camel toe look any worse? …or is it like fine wine Photoshopped camel toe? Cute camel toe? I mean, that would annoy me to no end. I could in no way concentrate on the match. …and what about on a …