While I refuse to wear a friendship bracelet because I’m 35 and am taking a stand against reliving my childhood fashion statements, I have absolutely no problem at all falling ridiculously hard for Easy A, yet another movie about the trials and traumas of being a teenager in high school. With a touch of an …

Reclaimed Stiletto Succulent Planters
1 Part Comedic + 1 Part Brilliance + 1 Part Inventive + 1 Part Eco + 1 Part Floozy. Kind of a perfect gift for a bachelorette party or an uptight friend …find them at Giddy Spinster on Etsy And I thought Plaid Pigeon was cheeky! See my pink hippo, Penelope, here …I’m still waiting …
"Go the Fuck to Sleep" read by Samuel L. Jackson
I’ve been hearing about this book for a few days now …perhaps because it’s buzzing & I’m on the internet 24/7, but when I first saw it & read about it I thought, “IS this appropriate for kids?” Being that I don’t have any kids, I don’t have any first hand experience and therefore, no …

Happy Easter . . or . . Happy Sunday
. . . because Easter has something to do with Jesus, right? I kid, I kid, I know Easter’s just about bunnies and eggs 🙂 Wishing you and your families a Happy one . . . and if it’s not the kinda thing that you’re into, then Happy Sunday just the same.
Wanted: Victorian Dog Portrait Artist
The husband and I would really love to have Victorian portraits painted of our dogs that we can frame in hideously gaudy ornate gold frames and hang side by side. Obviously we think it’s hilarious and years down the line, a way to remember our dogs and smile. Â Â Etsy shop Hot Digital Dog offers …

The Last Day of LOST …Son of a Bitch!
Although we will be absolutely lost without our Tuesday fix of LOST, it’s fitting {for us} that it should end in May. Unlike the rest of the “losties” who started watching it weekly in September of 2004, we were a little late to the party when we bought Lost – The Complete First Season on …

Bunny Adventures … just because ~ I’m on a boat
Because in our house, The Lonely Island never ever EVER seems to get old. Thank you Alison for my tiny little adorable bunnies, which today, have given me at least an hour of giggles.
hilarious vintage post card greeting
. . . from 1954 on Ebay right now …I almost want to buy it. Really.
I’m a Werewolf
…and when I’m in this blood lust, I either have to kill people or spend money, it’s horrible. …from Vegas 2008 2:00 in.
I Got Spoofed!
Jay’s alter ego “Jaegan” over at Halftime Lessons decided to try my messy side bun …and instead of following my easy hair~to~torial, he made me laugh instead. …On April Fools’, no less . . .Fabulous! Thanks Jay! {I laughed til the end}

The Angry Dance …rage therapy
* Footloose Angry Dancing Warehouse Scene 1984 * * Hot Rod Forest Angry Dance * a tribute to footloose, obviously You can never, ever, EVER, ever, ever ever EVER, EVER.. hide, your heart! * Billy Elliot Angry Dance * * Brett Angry Dancing – Flight of the Conchords * Angry dancing always makes me …

Tiny Little Doll Shaped Hands – Hand Soaps
Originally found HERE …because of a link found HERE But actually from the cute little shop Cog & Pearl … those little tiny hands made me smile. …and then reminded me of this . . . .. .. which made me smile again. .. . .and even giggle a little. …okay, a lot.

Camel Toe : Hot or Not : Part Deux
The HIGHLY Anticipated Sequel to Camel Toe: Hot or Not? I know, but hear me out 😉 Superhero Toe? Spock Toe? Drunk Rocker Toe? Surprised by your own toe on the internet Toe? Harry Toe? Anorexic Model Toe? Tron Toe? Desperate Toe? Fierce Toe? Celebrity Gossip Blogger Toe? Runway Toe? Aren’t Hot Wheels made for …

Camel Toe: Hot or Not? (Part One)
I honestly can’t say that she’s not hot. 70’s Camel Toe: Kinda hot? Does aged camel toe look any worse? …or is it like fine wine Photoshopped camel toe? Cute camel toe? I mean, that would annoy me to no end. I could in no way concentrate on the match. …and what about on a …