Since my current and most immediate goal in life right now is to leave Lake Arrowhead, move off the mountain entirely and into a different house in the flatlands among the palm trees 😊, I thought I better get busy sharing the house I’m living in now before it’s too late! When I moved into …
How Low Humidity at Le Dome House Turned Me into a Plant Lady
As much as I love nature and being surrounded by trees and gorgeous greenery OUTSIDE, I’ve never really been an in-house plant person (although I would DIE for an in-house atrium!) Aside from my kitchen window orchids (a mainstay in all my houses) and a possible much larger and usually tropical living room tree of …
Crystals in a Crystal Bowl on my Gold Stump Bedside Tables
Happy February Lovecats! I’m not sure why January felt like it lasted an entire year, but it’s over now and soon it will be summer and we’ll all be saying I CAN’T BELIEVE IT’S HALLOWEEN ALREADY and then it’s NYE and BOOM! The year is over. How does it even work anymore? I don’t know… …
My 2023 Nostalgic Vintage Christmas Tinsel Tree
I was hesitant about decorating for Christmas this year for the same reason I didn’t decorate last year. I just moved into a new house in the beginng of November which means that in the last week or so I finally finished unpacking and decorating (for normal daily living) and honestly was feeling a little …