I quit smoking a week ago yesterday, after six months of smoking, after not smoking for just over ten years. I smoked about a half a pack a day until I turned 30. I smoked zero for the ten years that followed until I turned 40. And then somewhere in the month after I turned …
When You Start Smoking Again After Quitting for 10 Years
There’s a part of me that feels like I shouldn’t be talking about this, but as branded as our blogs become, they’re still personal, mine has always been… though I feel like I’ve been holding back for years now… But to exclude the negative and real aspects of life just seems like a lie. I’m …
How I Quit Smoking the Easy Way
originally published on September 19, 2010 One of the best emails I’ve ever received was a thank you from a girl who had read my Dear Lungs post and used it to help her quit smoking. She told me that she printed it out and kept it under her computer keyboard and every time she …
Dear Lungs,
I abused you for over ten years, filling you with smoke and tar and nicotine and poison and still you allow oxygen to travel in and out of you to keep me alive. For this I apologize and thank you simultaneously. Today is exactly two years since I decided to quit abusing you and start …