birch tree wallpaper - 80s look-pink suede vintage dress

They Can Dance, We’ll Stay Home Instead

On April 7, 2018 we officially opened the doors to Dogwood Tavern, which made this past April 7th our 2 year anniversary. Last year, to commemorate and cel-e-brate good times we started a tradition by throwing our first annual 80s party, and this year we were planning an even better annual 80s bash… But instead, …

french bulldog butts under the cabinet

The One Where I Try Not To Panic About the Coronavirus

Just for the record, I am in total Support of the #CancelEverything and #SocialDistancingWorks movements… which I was already participating in unknowingly and just realized yesterday that more people are self-quarantine-ing themselves and their families, which is super smart. I wondered if it was mandated, but found out it was only suggested, but again… smart. …