LeRoy has the worst farts known to mankind. He can and will clear a room in a moments notice. Somehow, I am the only one who can handle the stink. But sometimes it feels as though I just swallowed one. You’re welcome.
Happy Irish Day
I hate to say it but I am wearing green today. In fact, I kind of look like Peter Pan (with jeans). I can’t help it. As with most things, I blame my mother. When I was a kid, she would send me to school in a green dress with a green cardboard crown that …
Kathy Olivas prints
I work in an art gallery for an art dealer in Los Angeles as a web/graphic designer and am surrounded by art that I cannot afford. Over ten years ago I fell in love with the artist Mark Ryden but didn’t know who he was at the time. By the time I figured it out, …
Jem – They
This should be filed under February 2008 but it missed the posting wagon. Who DID make up all the rules?

Baby Fever
above art:Mark Ryden “Cecella” My husband and I got married (well, eloped) September 4, 2006. He proposed at my 30th 80’s Roller Skate birthday party at the end of the Hokey Pokey – and it was awesomely radical! I thought soon after we’d buy a house and start makin’ babies. Real estate in LA slowly …
It’s FINALLY friday
This has been a rather strange week for me mentally and physically and I am glad that it is coming to an end. Yesterday, I locked my keys in the car – the 1993 Subaru I’m driving because my car has been in the shop since October 15, 2007. Yes, again, that was since OCTOBER …
Project Runway vs Ghost Hunters
What if Christian, winner of Project Runway (and my favorite as well) were to join the cast of Ghost Hunters and TAPS crew? He’s got the FIERCE look down …something to ponder. However, I’m guessing if one is a follower of either of the above shows, most likely, they don’t even know about the other… …
Evil Mrs Peppers
Is it wrong that I am almost 32 (not to mention, female) and can’t wait to get home from work to play X-box? Is it wrong that I have my own bubble-gum pink controller? Is it wrong that when my husband hooked it up in the master bedroom (because this is our second x-box in …
too much coffee
makes for an already over-active mind to implode on itself. How wrong is it to hate? I “hate” when I don’t get what I want. I hate when I have to be so fucking blunt that I hurt someone’s feelings when I’ve tried numerous times to “say it nicely” – for lack of better words. …
The Stepdog
This is Bebop Pugman. He was my husband’s dog and now he is ours. I must confess that I do not shower this little man with enough attention. He is a very very very good dog but has no idea that when I was about 10, I made up my mind that I did not …
Meat: I’m over it. Again.
Linda McCartney once said, “If slaughter houses had glass walls, we’d all be vegetarians.” The easiest way to eat meat is not to think about it. It sits on your plate as a fillet or burger, a breast or wing, a glazed ham or tasty bacon. It has no face, no eyes, no fur, no …

A Woman for President
I am 31 years old and I have never voted. A history teacher in high school once told us that our vote does not count… it just doesn’t matter. I had heard my mother say the same thing before so all I needed was this second source to make it a truth. I was young. …
Saturday nights
Yet another super-fabulous Saturday evening consisting of a little BLokus, some good old fashion Scrabble, delicious Nestle’s chocolate chip cookie making – apron and all, and of course, my friend Alison – which was a much welcomed distraction to the ping pong match going on in my head since returning from a high pressure trip …

Mercury in retrograde
After an annoying disagreement with my husband this morning, I sat down at my computer with my coffee and bagel and learned that starting today, January 28 and lasting until February 19, Mercury is in retrograde. What this means to me is that no matter how hard I try to communicate, it will turn into …