Hello Lovecats… I’m not sure about you, but I’ve been in a daze for the past week, an emotional roller coaster, a confused state much like the Twilight Zone, if any of you are old enough to remember that show and because of it, I haven’t been able to get much of anything done. …
Your Next Level Dream Life is Going To Require This One Thing…
If you’re following along my Instagram or my Substack, you probably already know this, but I’ve started a little something on YouTube, just to see where it goes. I’ve committed myself to one video a week for a month, and even though I already wanted to give up, I didn’t… I haven’t and I’m not …
Thank You, Lovecats!
I had so many wonderful comments and messages on my Instagram reel today that I don’t even really know how to respond… I am speechless-ish. I am sharing this on substack too because I want to make sure everyone sees it… but this will be the only overlap Last Thursday when I returned home from …
Great Artists Steal // You’ve Got Mail & The Shop Around the Corner
A few nights ago while I was flipping through one of my TV apps, an old black and white movie called The Shop Around the Corner made way back in 1940 popped up and I scrolled past it without thinking. Moments later it occurred to me that The Shop Around the Corner was the name …
#MondayMotivation // Future So Bright
Speaking from experience, I can say that it’s far easier to be positive and see the beauty in life and everyday circumstances when everything is okay – or whatever that means for you, because everyone’s version of okay is completely different. It’s much more difficult to find that positivity and stay at a higher vibration …
#MondayMotivation // GIRLS CRUSHING IT
I was introduced to The Colorful Wild through longtime blogging friend, Holly (@hollyconda on Instagram), who shared a photo of her two adorable kids with “girlprenuer” Avery, who started her very own organic lip balm brand and is totally crushing it. Since I was immediately motivated by this little entrepreneur, I thought you might be …
#MondayMotivation // When You Feel the Inspiration, Act On It
I was out sitting on my patio deck the other night, watching the snow fall for a minute, inevitably writing yet another list, as I do at least 3-5 times every day… but really what I was doing was procrastinating. I knew what I had to get done and I knew what I wanted to …
#MondayMotivation // Keep The Momentum
So often when we embark on a new project in life, which could be anything really in regards to having an idea, thinking it through, deciding to take action, making a plan for it and then going in a forward motion, we feel not only a sense of control but also a sense of accomplishment …
#MondayMotivation // Cheesy Monday Quotes to Inspire
Just a handful of pretty and inspiring quotes today to kickstart your day and week. They may be super cheesy, but hey, sometimes cheesy works! Hopefully one or more will motivate you (and ME!) to get creative and make this Monday the start of something new or the end of something old. Either way, it’s …
#MondayMotivation // Trust Your Struggle
I began writing a #MondayMotivation post but couldn’t get motivated. Even I need inspiration now and again and though I did watch a few thrilling TedX talks to help motivate, everything I wrote just sounded contrived and even forced. I’m so inconsistent lately, and I hate it. Overwhelmed by the scale of some things, underwhelmed …
#MondayMotivation // Change Your Expectations & Change Your Life
It’s true that we can all probably watch TedTalks and motivational videos and read personal growth and self-help books until we have that A-HA moment and IN that moment, feel as if we’re changed forever… WE GET LIFE and we’re thriving. Then a few days later, we’ve forgotten all that we have learned and are …
#MondayMotivation // Embrace What Is… Then Think Bigger
I didn’t get a chance to blog all last week, and it drove me insane. Every day I thought about all the things I wasn’t accomplishing instead of seeing exactly what I was, and that’s never a positive place to be, mindfully speaking. If I’m going to be able to make both careers work, I …
#MondayMotivation with Kids // One Give One Day At A Time
I stumbled upon this Ted Talk How to Be Happy Every Day: It Will Change the World by Jacqueline Way the other day and was completely inspired by it. Jacqueline Way is the founder of www.356give.ca, a charitable organization dedicated to educating, empowering, and inspiring children to change the world “one give, one day at …
#MondayMotivation // There is Meaning Beyond the Moment
Whether I’m working at home or doing household chores, cooking, or stretching, etc., I have one of two things on in the background; music or some sort of motivational video (which could include Law of Attraction videos, business and entrepreneurial videos, personal growth videos, etc.) and I rarely watch them, I just listen. It comes …
#MondayMotivation // Kick Your Excuses to the Curb!
Sometimes it’s hard to notice just how often we make excuses for the things in our life… for our behavior, for our health, for our relationships, for our work, for not accomplishing our goals. Whatever it may be, an excuse is simply rooted in fear and holds us back from truly fulfilling our dreams and …