Lovecats, I’m doing something a little different this month…
Instead of my normal Coach bag + beauty faves giveaway hosted right here on my blog, I’m participating in an Instagram hosted giveaway featuring a MacBook Air (the exact laptop I am working on right at this very moment and LOVE) because who wouldn’t LOVE a brand new computer?!
I’ve never done one of these before, but thought it may be fun for a change this month. If it doesn’t go over well, I’ll be back to my regular giveaways next month, or maybe I’ll do both if you love it too!
So for now, head over to my Instagram feed, click on this post, and just read and follow the rules listed in the description. Hopefully it’s not too annoying of a process to enter, BUT one of you will be the lucky owner of a brand new MacBook laptop (Winner will be announced on March 21 or 22nd) so it’s probably worth it… or not 😉 It’s up to you. Again, if this is horrendous, I’ll never do it again and continue my regular giveaways next month.
This giveaway ends tomorrow and remember to enter via my Instagram and…