Lovecats, Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, and really, I THINK -more than anything else, V-day is the best excuse to pamper ourselves… whether we have a Valentine or not. It’s a great time to cut ourselves a little slack and relax, allow ourselves a little free time to do whatever WE want to do, and even a time to just feel pretty and content in our own skin. And whatever it takes to get there – a bubble bath, wearing pretty lingerie for no reason at all, red lips and a black lace mask, soft pjs and ice cream… whatever it is, that’s what we should do because we deserve it always… but we probably don’t always let ourselves know, so I like to take Valentine’s Day {or the entire week of} to do just that.
I’m just loving the pretty pinks and reds in the Nasty Gal V-day lookbook that are both somehow feminine & romantic, and cool all at the same time. You can shop all the looks below if you like.
PSST! My <3 February Coach giveaway is launching tomorrow! Get ready!

I love this “rosebud crown” and totally think it’s an easy DIY… however, it’s only $25 so is it worth the time and effort, when the real thing is kind of affordable? Not sure… but if I had a similar trim lying around, I’d be working on it right now, so I guess, yes is the answer 😉