What I’m Wearing…
* Grey and white gingham dress tho it looks lavender in the photos and even slightly in real life 😉 (I have it in pink and white too because I just love it – it’s not only insanely comfortable (in a muumuu kind of way) it also feels ultra feminine while also feeling super “cute” if that makes sense… maybe because it feels like a dress a toddler would wear 😂 or Dorothy from Wizard of Oz, but I don’t care, I love it)… wearing it here last summer with my crocs at Dockside and here in my pink and white kitchen
* Vintage pink nylon Prada bag
* Puma GV Special sneakers in grey (this was my favorite Puma style in the 90s – also called California Casual but they don’t offer a lot of colors right now – I found these a few years ago on Shopbop and haven’t really worn them much)… if you’re a “Friends” watcher, note how often you see these on the cast, lol – but I like this style too – I have a pair of baby blue with a navy logo
* Phillip Lim tortoise shell sunglasses (old) I’ve only been wearing these lately
* Hair is air-dried, still damp here, lol.
* Title: Coldplay – Adventure Of A Lifetime
Do you often notice when you’re on a path towards something specific, as soon as you make a choice or decide, suddenly everything you see, read, hear relates now to this specific thing, making you feel like you’ve chosen correctly and life is now giving you little signs that you’re heading in the right direction?
But because you’re still not quite sure, you wonder if there’s a logical explanation for it like The Baader–Meinhof Phenomenon, also known as the frequency illusion… but deep down you feel like it’s actually synchronicity?
Is it a type of cognitive bias: an error in thinking that occurs while processing and interpreting information OR is it a total coincidence where an external event mirrors an internal one?
In other words, do we decide on something and then just pay more attention and see this thing we’ve decided on more frequently? OR is it a universal language, in a way, showing us that we are on the right path?
According to one of my all-time favorite books, The Alchemist, it would be the latter, that specifically, and I quote “When you want something, the whole universe conspires in order for you to achieve it” and that nothing is coincidence at all, but each a sign that you’re on the right path and one clue closer to your final destination.
Am I the only one who thinks about this on a fairly regular basis?
Sometimes I feel like I am 🤔
Having read The Alchemist at such a young age and even reading The Celestine Prophecy in my late teens, sort of has me believing (or at least, hoping) that life is an adventure of our own making, that there is no such thing as coincidence, but that we must decide what we want and why we want it and then as we move toward our truth intuitively, the Universe is there (IF we pay attention) with clues and opportunities and magic to help us make the right choices along the way… to lead us to a life we have dreamed about and live a life we love.
On the other hand, how many of us truly feel like we’re living the life we dreamed of? Or even on a path to it? How often do our lives actually turn out the way we thought they would? How often do they turn out better, even if we didn’t always “get what we wanted”?
IF we’ve only got this one life, shouldn’t it be the adventure of a lifetime? Wouldn’t it be magical every moment of every day that we are alive – even if we consider it “bad”? Wouldn’t we be more intentional about the way we spend our time, grateful for each miracle we survive?
I think our past memories, traumas, beliefs and backstories, all get in the way of our true selves at almost every step of the way. They hold us back, they keep us stuck, they tell us lies, they hold us in fear and anxiety, afraid to trust ourselves, terrified to trust others, and so desperately trying to control elements we don’t even realize we’re clinging to in an attempt to feel like we have all the answers, when in truth, we STILL have no idea why we’re even on this planet?
According to The Primal Wound (and incredible book I basically took a crash course studying last month) we create other personalities or sub-personalities, hiding the parts of us that feel so heavy and run so deep, we fear we will break if we allow them in. We hide from life, we run from our pain, we mask it with all sorts of distractions and addictions, we deny it, we deny ourselves and we wonder why we’re not happy. We latch on to fake personalities and false gods and materialistic things and more and more STUFF to keep us wrapped up in this made up reality that simply just exists to keep us distracted – forever until the end of time.
But what if there IS something BIGGER than our individual selves… What if we ARE each sent here with a unique gift and a specific purpose and our goal is to figure out what it is and then be it, do it, live it?
I hope not 😊 💖 that’s too grim for a Monday.
I pass this house with this dusty old burgundy-brown Mercedes in the driveway every time I drive to my moms and think about how cute it would be as a backdrop in an outfit post… and so I finally stopped and took a few photos in front of it… and they didn’t turn out as cute as I thought they would but also, the sun was pretty harsh that day too. It might just be one of those things that is cuter in real life than in photos. But now I can cross it off my list anyway 🙂
The Bobes are VERY intrigued by the “water cars” also known as BOATS that pass by our deck and when we’re on walks. They are just beside themselves with all the activity here and are loving it as much as I am.
Happy June, Lovecats!
* Find all my style posts here
And if the Wind is Right you Can Find the Joy Of Innocence again