What I’m Wearing…
* Pink and white gingham (checked) dress with puff sleeves – not to be confused with this pink “love of my life” dress or this cute floral pink dress. I guess I have a thing for pink dresses!
* White Crocs classics
* Sunglasses by Phillip Lim – old
* Pink lemonade
* Location : our newest little restaurant biz, Dogwood Dockside Bar & Grill at the Lake Arrowhead Marina
* Title: Christopher Cross “Sailing” – one of my favorite songs ever. Felt so fitting here… I also used it on the crocs snow boots post I linked to below. How funny. Oh the irony.
Last month during one of the weeks we had the girls, I pulled on one of my favorite easy summer dresses (that I often throw on for running errands, etc.) and called for them to join me downstairs so we could head out for the day. As the youngest (who is 8 now) steps onto the stairway and sees me, her face lights up as she starts to say OH YOU LOOK… and then trails off, her expression drops to a look of almost disgust, her voice lowers and finishes with OH THAT DRESS AGAIN???
I almost died laughing and have told this story numerous times since. Now, if she had said this to someone else, I’d be mortified because it sounds so rude, and I’m not sure I my laughter made that clear but instead encouraged her sarcastic tone in the future, but the thought of it now still makes me crack a smile. What can I say, I’m a sucker for sarcasm.
Needless to say, this finally prompted me to buy a few new dresses. And actually, when I think about it, I have a closet full of dresses I don’t wear and that I could actually wear but for one reason or another, I don’t. I would pull them out for an event or party but for my daily go-to’s, I’m looking for ease and comfort and have used up all the dresses that fall under that category. And just to make it THAT MUCH EASIER, I hang them all up on the outer hook hanging over my closet door. I know. La-zy!
You see, I don’t grab my most expensive dresses for my everyday wardrobe, which is why they’re collecting dust in my closet. I pull the dresses that are usually very inexpensive (and let’s not forget, comfortable), and in fact am still wearing one I think I got at Forever 21 over 20 YEARS AGO. I know. I KNOW!
Anyway, I went on a hunt for new dresses that fulfilled a few categories… 1. Ease 2. Comfort 3. (My)Style 4. Price.
So with that in mind, I hopped on amazon and started my search.
I immediately landed on this pink pouffy checkered number with ruffles and smocking and all the comfort and ease in the world and added it to cart within seconds. I also grabbed one in gray… though now I almost want all the colors. Also, I bought a Medium for the extra comfort because the reviews said the hips and skirt area were a little narrow (which they are) and I feel like the smocked section (the bodice) is a little big so I might try a small in green. But other than that, and the fact that I look like a 40-something Little Bo Peep, I’m pretty happy with this dress which was under $40.
If you’ve been a long-time reader you’ll remember when I worked with Crocs years and years ago. I still wear the snow boots they sent me about ten years ago. I know it’s been about ten years because December will mark 10 years up on this mountain and I wouldn’t have needed snow boots prior to that. Anyway, I worked with crocs for years. Loved the company, loved many of the shoe options, yet never EVER chose a pair of the classic crocs (as seen here with this dress, making the entire look even more cartoonish) but after seeing all my favorite roller skaters on instagram slip on their crocs after their skate sessions, I finally caved and bought these. And let me tell you, I haven’t taken them off since. I’m wearing them right now as I type this.
I forgot how comfortable they are and how well they support my (bad) ankle and now I’m pretty much living my best pain-free life wearing them. I actually love the way they look with this dress because it’s so over the top for me that the shoes sort of say HEY I’M TOTALLY NOT TAKING MYSELF SERIOUSLY… except that I seriously love this dumb dress 😉
Happy Weekend Lovecats!
* Find all my Style Posts here
Some of my favorite go-to summer dresses and rompers below… maybe I should compile an entire post with them? There are a few I haven’t shared… hmm. I just might.