Today, this morning rather, my grandpa passed away. I’ve been sick with a nasty head cold and in bed all weekend, so I didn’t get the news until about noon today. My husband had to break it to me, which of course ended in tears and hugs. Such sadness. My grandpa was an incredible drummer and though we didn’t spend as much time as we should have together, we had a strangely strong bond and I loved him dearly. He had a sparkle in his eye when he looked at me and though communication is not my family’s strong suit, I always felt his love through his quiet actions and wide grins. After my dad passed in 2003, I saw the heaviness and sadness in my grandpa’s eyes when he looked at me and I attributed it to the fact that I looked like my father and brought forth memories he’d rather keep safely tucked away.
My grandpa turned 90 last year and was seemingly still going strong, still drumming with a jazz band and still giving my brother lessons each Saturday afternoon. At the last few holidays we spent with my family, my grandpa referred to me as Ann Marie, my mom’s name, and no one corrected him. I didn’t mind. But it was when I knew he was starting to decline.
I will miss you Grandpa Shanahan… as we all will.

hugs June of this year… {from my cousin Corey’s FB}
His 90th Birthday 2011 kissing his wife, Masumi…
Christmas 2010 with my cousin Kelley… {from my cousin Kristie’s FB}
He probably wasn’t quite sure what YouTube was… but his presence is quite large there. Below are a few links to songs and sessions of my grandpa, Dick Shanahan, drumming throughout the ages…
* Dick Shanahan on drums with Les Brown performing “Always”
* Doris Day singing “Old Mr. Moon” written by drummer Dick Shanahan and recorded while Doris and Dick were on tour with Les Brown and His Band of Renown
* “IT’S ONLY A PAPER MOON” Les Brown & Dick Shanahan on drums
* “Charlie Barnet-Town Hall Jazz Concert Dec 6 1947, Part 1”, sound recording administered by: IODA Dick Shanahan on drums
* L.A. Sweet & Hot Music Festival 2010
* “ST. THOMAS” Sweet and Hot 2011
* there are so many more…
He was such a good musician… I mean, great! And was under the impression that all “rock and roll” was not music 😉
PS… My uncle Kelly teaches drum lessons, if you’re interested click here & message him. {Los Angeles area only}