As you may know, I write for Babble’s beauty and style channels twice a week and as you may also know, Babble is a Disney owned company. A few months ago, one of my editors emailed out this post Sexy Cecaelia: Get Ursula’s Over-The-Top Under-The-Sea Look from XOVain as a fun suggestion and I was inspired to get busy creating a few Disney characters of my own.
Now, it’s true I’ve been dressing up as Disney characters since I was an infant due to my mom’s deep admiration of the “Mouse”, but before they were labeled “princesses” I wanted to be every one of Disney’s leading ladies, and of them all, Cinderella was my favorite. I guess I just have a soft spot for a rags to riches story rooted in finding your one true love. And though I’ve had a love/hate relationship with fairy tales as an adult, it doesn’t change the fact that I love dressing up now just as I did when I was a little girl. And with this, I had a fun time thinking If Cinderella were a real girl and alive today, what would she wear? And here’s what I came up with {all out of my own closet ;}.
You can find my full makeup and hair tutorial by clicking the link below…
Modern Day Cinderella Look | Hair & Makeup Tutorial
But before I go on, I must admit to having a a leg-up on this challenge as I was Cinderella once before… in 1980, when I was four years old…

And as you can see, 1. I’ve always had big hair and 2. I was NOT happy about having to wear that sweater underneath for warmth. I’ve always been a stickler for details, but mom won that battle. She also chose to make the pink dress the birds and mice made for Cinderella vs the final gown/princess look Cinderella’s fairy godmother gave her, which is the look I was inspired by to create these two modern day outfits. I grabbed the cartoon stills I used in the photos from this cute video A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes.

What I realized while working on these fun modern-day Cinderella looks, inspired by Disney’s original animated movie from 1950, is that as long as I had the hair and makeup down, the black choker around my neck, headband and earrings on, any outfit would look Cinderella-esque accompanying it and in the white, blue, and/or silver color spectrum.
Click through the link below for more inspiration photos, detailed info on how to create the costumes yourself, and a shopping guide as well…
Modern Day Cinderella | Everyday & Evening Wear | Get the Look!

Find all the outfit details and a shopping guide at Modern Day Cinderella | Everyday & Evening Wear | Get the Look!
Modern Everyday Casual Look…

Again, follow the links below to find more info on what I’m wearing, outfit details, hair and makeup tutorials, as well as a shoppping guide to get the look. {I had to separate everything or else this post would be even longer and more photo-heavy than it already is :}
You can find my full makeup and hair tutorial by clicking the link below…
Modern Day Cinderella Look | Hair & Makeup Tutorial
Click through the link below for more inspiration photos, detailed info on how to create the costumes yourself, and a shopping guide as well…
Modern Day Cinderella | Everyday & Evening Wear | Get the Look!
* See also: How-to Cinderella Hair & Makeup {Photo Tutorial} for a pinnable hair photo tutorial image.
* ANNNNNND… Read this fun fact post via Aunt Peaches about the Cats of Disneyland… so cute!