What I’m Wearing …every piece is a different color! So unlike me really
* Vintage Tahari green blazer …last seen here
* Leyendecker coral dress …last seen here …and is not the best choice for sitting at a desk at work
* Boutique 9 nude cut-out anklestrap heels …actually quite comfy and last seen here
* Chloe “Belladone” gray sunglassess
* Vintage Castlecliff lobster pendant necklace …seen once here with different chains. From The Sherman Oaks Antique Mall
* Title: lyrics from Wham “Club Tropicana” – I know I say this almost every outfit post but I love this song! It’s RIDICULOUSLY hilarious, especially if you watch the video where George Michael is still in his “pretending not to be gay” phase {wherein my mother totally believed it – was IN LOVE with him in the 80’s sorry mom, but truth be told}. I seriously LOVE the two girls’ “outfits” in the first scene but the bartender with the mustache really steals the show. It’s just straight comedy …but also, such a fun song If I’m being totally honest, I kind of want to use it as my title for every outfit post, lol.
Sooooo did everyone in the US stay up all night to watch the Royal Wedding?!?!?! …me either. I figure they’re going to play it and replay it and r e p l a y it for all eternity so why bother risking precious beauty sleep? Don’t get me wrong, I’d be watching it if it wasn’t on at a ridiculous hour here but again, I’m sure I’ll watch it tomorrow, or the next day, or next year.
Update: I mistakenly turned the TV on when I got in bed directly after posting the above statement and now I am finding it terribly difficult to stop watching. Who knows if I will get any sleep tonight. Seriously, what was I thinking??!?!? I had a PLAN!!! lol …it’s really kind of fun though