I can’t even believe it has been three whole years since this little lady was born. It feels like just yesterday when I held her tiny, squirming, hairless, alien body in my arms, ever-worried that I was going to squish her with my man hands at any moment. I loved her from the moment I saw her and from her sneezes of excitement whenever I got near her, I knew she loved me too. Though, it could have been my high pitched squeals and my hair tickling her face that made her sneeze, but I’ll take it as a love sign anyway.
I can’t believe that just last Summer, she looked like this and still needed so much care and attention and now she’s a complete little person asking me to paint her nails just like mine. She’s a big girl now who knows exactly what she wants and just how to get it. And that makes me a happy auntie.
We arrived a bit late to the party {to miss all the kid stuff, lol} but stayed after and enjoyed the after-cake-sugar-high and present-opening-dress changing activities.
While we were there, my husband reunited with a girl {who is now a woman, obviously} he went to grade school with who reminded him of the time he taped a “Goodyear” sign onto her back, nice one baby… and I finally got to meet Laura {of the awesome blog Hollywood Housewife} and her gorgeous daughter. I have a hunch though, that there may have been a few other bloggers there which I did not get to meet. Next time.
And now you will find an enormous overload of birthday party photos… enjoy.

Fun times with daddy…
CookieDoodle time… Hosted by mommy
Cake Time! {um, that cake was ridiculous good}
She could not believe this dress…
The Hills Are Alive with the Sound of Music click here for more dress shots
Annnnnd, onto the next outfit change…
After a few outfit changes and enough sugar to give an adult a headache, Delilah quietly walked over to the cookie table to admire her newest bracelet and then to throw the remainder of the sprinkles into the air and onto the grass.
Happy 3rd Birthday Delilah George! You are loved!