I fell in love with hair combs the other day after writing 18 Statement Hair Combs | Brooches for your Hair and was totally inspired to make a few. In all honesty, I had purchased a pack of plain hair combs about a year ago to do this DIY, but I just haven’t had the chance to DIY anything lately. It felt so good to finally be using my hands again for something other than typing! Hope you enjoy… I made two different pretty hair brooches, and they’re both really easy! I love that they can be worn in so many different styles, and even create new styles in your hair. The 80’s & ’90s were hair-combs-a’plenty.
What You’ll Need…

* Plastic or metal hair combs {I personally prefer these plastic ones because they stay in my hair much better than the metal ones} I found these at the local drugstore.
* Hot Glue Gun and glue
* Needle and Thread {I used clear/nylon thread but you can easily use regular thread as well}
* An assortment of beads or trim or spikes… anything you’d like to adorn your combs with. I took the photo above before really deciding what to use.
Steps… Gold Leaf Hair Combs

* As a base, I used gold leaf satin ribbon. It’s 100% Polyester but feels a little like faux leather.

* I threaded my needle with my nylon thread, knotted the end around the comb and the ribbon, then simply looped it through the comb teeth and over the ribbon, securing it into place. You really don’t need the needle until it’s time to knot it at the ends.

* I used two rows of ribbon facing different directions for a nice and sturdy, solid base. You can choose to glue it down instead, but I prefer thread to glue whenever I can.

* I then grabbed single gold leaf sequins and gold, black, and crystal beads…

* And stitched them onto, and around my gold leaf base.

* Knot the thread in the back whenever possible to secure the beads. This is what it will look like.

And… Voila!
Instead of wearing one on each side, I almost layered them vertically to create one super-long hair accessory. Of course there are tons of different ways to wear them… what’s your favorite?

* But you can wear them any way you like… as a crown, alongside a bun or French twist, or Faux Hawk.

This is an incredibly long and photo-heavy post, but I thought it better to keep them together than to split them up, so I give you…
Bejeweled Hair Comb DIY…

Here’s What You’ll Need…

* Hair Combs
* Felt
* Hot Glue Gun
* Assorted gems, rhinestones, and jewels. I used a combination of vintage stones and cheap plastic gems from the craft store.
* Needle and thread

Cut a shape from your felt a little larger than the width of your comb.

Arrange your stones and gems how you’d like them to look, and hot glue them onto the felt.

Once your glue is dry and your stones set in place, trim away the excess felt.

Thread your needle… and Carefully hand-stitch your felt to your comb, wrapping your thread in between the teeth of the comb.

To make sure it’s secure, hot glue the spaces in between your thread and allow it to dry.
And… Voila!

Have Fun!
* Find all my DIY tutorials here
* Find all my HAIR tutorials here
* Originally created for Babble Beauty : DIY Pretty Bejeweled Hair Combs