I DIY’d this sweater last Friday in under ten minutes and wore it out that night… in this exact outfit actually.
I made it because my little shoulder tattoo was still healing and I couldn’t wear a regular bra strap over it or anything that rubbed it because it was slightly irritated at the time. So I whipped it up, threw on my T-strap lace bra – which followed the neck and open shoulders pretty seamlessly, and felt comfy all night.
This happens to be the same style sweater I used for my DIY Open Back Sweater with Big Pins inspired by Versace but in navy instead of black. They were on sale for $10 and were so nice that I bought two black ones and one navy one, thinking I’d eventually use them for DIYs or wear them. This navy one has been sitting in my sweater drawer with the tags on it until last Friday. And now it’s got a whole new look!
What I love about this look is that because of the heavy and loose drape of the sweater, it has a really easy feel to it. It’s comfortably casual, but still chic and pretty.
Here’s What You Need…

- Sweater / preferably with shoulder seams from the neck to the arm
- Matching thread + needle
- Scissors

Using a sharp pair of little scissors, CAREFULLY cut the top shoulder seam from neck to arm WITHOUT cutting into the neck or arm seams.
NOTE: If your shoulder doesn’t have a shoulder seam, you’ll have to try it on and measure where exactly the top of the shoulder hits, mark it, then cut it, following the step above.

Roll the edges of your open knit under twice so that the raw edge is completely hidden.

Beginning at the neck, run an easy straight hand stitch along the roll, making sure the smallest amount of thread shows on top and the larger stitches are hidden beneath. Make sure to finish the neck and arm points so that it looks completely smooth.
NOTE: depending on the type of knit of your sweater, you may see a few puckers along your sides, just be careful not to pull too tightly while stitching… keep it nice and loose, but secure.
And really, that’s it!
And… Voila!

Wearing: Blank Denim skinny jeans // Ted & Muffy ‘Comet’ boots in navy suede {ON SALE NOW from $600 to $240 – I almost want to get them in black!} // Marc Jacobs sunglasses // Balenciaga classic town bag from What Goes around Comes Around // Borghese ColorStruck lipstick in “Release”

Have Fun!
* Find all my DIYs here
* Find all my Sweater DIYs here