Coach giveaways

Happy Holidays Lovecats! December GIVEAWAY! Details Here (enter to WIN @ Instagram)

love Maegan giveaway December 2024

Happy December Giveaway Lovecats!

First of all, HOW IS IT THE END OF THE YEAR?!?!?! I still don’t get it but since it is… I thought it was time for one last giveaway for one lucky Lovecat to hopefully make someone’s end of year even better (or to make up for the hellscape that was 2024) 😆

I’ve included a ton of amazing LANCOME beauty and makeup products, a little COACH wallet, one of my favorite feather bookmarks and a handful of other fun items to make you day special.
All entries are via Instagram to make it easier on everyone and I’ll choose a winner at random from the comments next Tuesday, December 17th. I’ll share on my IG stories and tag the winner.

Until then, here’s what’s included!

What You’ll Receive if you WIN this Giveaway worth almost $500…

LANCOME Beauty and Makeup Products

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NOTE: Products are all brand new/unused and only opened to shoot photos for giveaway. Colors of products may be slightly different than reality due to lighting/etc.

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Enter on my most recent post on Instagram where you see this caption (below). Winner chosen at random on 12/17/2024

🎄 G I V E A W A Y 🎄 SWIPE to see what’s included in this giveaway valued around $500 (including s&h) If you want more info, go to to see a full list with links and retail value of everything included!

Happy Tuesday Lovecats! 😻

I thought Instagram would be the easiest way for everyone to enter, so here’s what you need to do…

1. Make sure you’re following me here @lovemaegan
2. Leave a comment on this post (about anything – doesn’t have to be giveaway related)
That’s it! 🙌🏼🎄

For extra entries you can…

3. Leave multiple comments as long as you tag at least one friend in each
4. Share to your stories and tag me so I can see it!
5. Follow me on threads @loveMaegan and share to threads or other social channels, tagging me to make sure I see it.

I’ll announce a winner in my stories next Tuesday 12/17! 🫶🏼

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Have an amazing week! xoxo …love, Maegan 🩷

Maegan Tintari

LA native & lifestyle blogger Maegan Tintari writes daily at sharing beauty & style secrets, including fashion DIYs, how-to nail art manicures, hair tutorials, recipes & home decorating ideas, as well as a look into her personal life, her journey & battle with infertility & recent relocation to the mountains by a lake in search of a better life with her adorable French Bulldog brothers, Trevor and Randy.

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