A few months ago I found these pretty raised square serving bowls and thought they’d make a perfect home to a few of my already regrowing orchids. I used to keep all my orchids in their original pots, planted in their original plastic casing and was a bit afraid that if I replanted them, they’d die. I had two new stems growing without buds yet and I thought I’d take the chance and see if I could do it and still keep them alive. And I did! And of course, I’m very excited about it! I replanted these in the middle of March, around the 16th and exactly a month later, they both bloomed! {photo at the end} So it works!
You can click on How I Regrow My Phalaenopsis Orchids to get a better idea of what to do if you’ve never done it before, but know that orchids take about 3-6 months to re-bloom. If you keep them watered, moistened with moss, and filtered with sunlight, they will come back to life. I was worried in this new house, without the kitchen window sun, that my orchids wouldn’t have a chance for new life, but they LOVE the warm light that shines down from under our kitchen cabinets, which is where I keep the ones that have most recently lost their blooms. It was such a fun discovery for me!
Learn more about orchids here and here.
Here’s What I Used…

* Two Rosanna Decor Footed Square Bowls $32.50 {each} but any pots will do that are of similar size and not wood.
* Old sticks & twisty ties {or clips} I’ve saved from previous orchids
* Mountain Moss I found at Micheals but is also available at local garden/hardware stores {choose the natural colors, the bright lime green and dyed mosses bleed and STAIN and ruin things!}
* Scissors {maybe}
Here’s How I Did It…
* But first, notice my new spike stem growing from the middle up… you don’t have to wait until they’re this far along in the regrowth process to replant them.

* If you can, gently pull out your orchid from its plastic container WITHOUT breaking any of the root/stems that wind around and through it.

* I had to cut mine out of it to keep the root system intact. Careful not to cut the roots.

* It will look like the first photo… Gently shake it {in your new pot} so any of the original planted soil, chips, moss and roots relax a little, then settle it into the center of your new pot and hold it in place. You may need more chips or soil to fill in the blanks, but I did not.

* Moisten your moss…

* And use it to fill in the gaps around the edges, sides, and then all over the top, covering the entire root system below. This not only keeps it looking finished and pretty, but the moss stays moist and keeps the roots below happy.

* Grab your sticks or stems {I save mine from old plants to reuse… this one was so long, I simply broke it in half and used it for both orchids}

* Carefully, and in a twisting motion, insert them into the moss and root system without stabbing or breaking anything below. Keep twisting until it’s sturdy enough to keep your new orchid stem upright and then find the most comfortable spot to attach it to your orchid stem with a twisty tie or plant jaw clip.
Voila… Voila!

And One Month Later, They Bloomed…

TIPS: I bring all my orchids to the sink every week or week and a half and fill them up with water… I let them sit there for an hour or so, then pour out the excess water and put them back in their original place. I’ve noticed that orchids don’t like to change homes once they become accustomed to their environment, so always put them back where you grabbed them from when you’re done watering. They don’t like to be moved all around the house to different locations. However, once the lose their blooms, it’s like a reset. But they last the longest if they get to stay and/or return to their comfortable home as soon as you’re done watering them. {up to 3 months with blooms!}
Have Fun!
Go to How I Regrow My Phalaenopsis Orchids to learn how to regrow your own orchids without repotting them.