A few days ago I accidentally stumbled upon a forum of women who were spending much of their day badmouthing me on the internet {it wasn’t the first time and I’m sure it won’t be the last} but one of them, who thought she was exceptionally clever, said she was pretty sure I smelled like stale cigarettes and broken dreams. Oh God, I laughed so hard. But then I thought for a moment… and though I’m fairly sure “broken dreams” are odorless, I remembered a time in my mid 20’s where I most certainly smelled like cigarettes and was so anxious and ruled by panic attacks and agoraphobia that I DID feel like a complete failure in life. I couldn’t even leave the house let alone go after my dreams! But what an interesting thing to say now I thought, considering the title of the forum was “Another Blogger Gets A Book Deal“.
So I thought I’d steal her oh so clever line, use it as my title, and set the record straight about how I ACTUALLY SMELL… and that is, like freshly baked cookies.
In fact, almost every week when my trainer, Lisa arrives, she asks me what smells like cookies, as if I just baked a batch before our workout. But the answer is never found in the kitchen and is instead, standing directly in front of her.
The truth is, I don’t like heavy perfumes. Blame it on my Grandma, whose entire house did actually smell like stale cigarettes and Chanel No.5 which permeated our clothes when we went to visit and left smelling like we’d spent the day in a casino in Vegas.
Regardless of the reasoning behind it, I’m a vanilla-lover and have been wearing some version of it for over 15 years now and I don’t think it will ever get old. It just smells so good. I love mixing it with a splash of coconut or another sweet baked good scent because really, who doesn’t like cookies?
My all-time favorite mixers are:
* Comptoir Sud Pacifique ~ Vanille Coco
* Aquaolina ~Pink Sugar
My new favorite additions are:
* Super ~ Coconut Quench which is so light, I mist it over my entire body after showering.
* Carol’s Daughter ~ Ecstasy which I can roll just a touch on my wrists.

The last two were part of a recent purchase at Sephora, wherein my outfit accidentally coordinated perfectly with the bag. I mean, the stripes are the exact same width!