Before the infamous Sparklecorn party, the husband, brother and I attended You-Phoria at

Too many sales going on at once to keep track.
Itemize combs your email account—with your permission, of course—for your receipt history and determines your “Shopping DNA.”
e my preferences, I tell the site what types of deals I’m interested in. I can leave it there or give Itemize.com access to my email account so it can scan for receipts of items I’ve purchased over the last 18 months
Along with the preferences you select during the free registration process, Itemize uses your Shopping DNA to determine which shopping discounts and deals to show you.
A side benefit of the receipt analysis is that I have one place to go when I want to check an old receipt. Itemize.com lets me search my past purchases sorted by date and type
At best, this could be the site that causes me to happily “unsubscribe” from all of my other retail deal email alerts. The result will be a cleaner, more organized email inbox and a one-stop-shop for discounts on the stores I like.

The boys
I had a feeling they’d use that shot