*Shampoos that contain more ingredients to moisturize my hair cause my skin to break out. yuck.
*Knowing the 50 Nifty United States in alphabetical order doesn’t get you anywhere in life.
*A professional manicure lasts two days before chipping. A pedicure last two weeks.
*The daily 800mcg Folic Acid tablet I was taking {in case I got pregnant} was making my nails stronger and more beautiful. Two weeks after discontinuing, my nails are sharp, breaking, scaling and ugly. I just need to get back to the drug store to get another bottle. * NOTE * {All baby-making plans are on hold until further notice. Which means one thing, and one thing only: sex just got awesome again}
*Speaking of shampoo and conditioner, I’ve learned that if my hair starts looking like ass, to switch it up a bit and try another brand temporarily …voila! new hair.
*The more I pick at my skin, the more it breaks out …but that doesn’t stop me.
*Certain things never go out of style. Figure out what they are, buy the best and keep them forever. Get rid of everything else.
*Even the person whom you view to be the least competent, is good at something.
*If you try to hold your sneeze in, in an attempt to draw less attention to yourself, you will do the exact opposite.
*What annoys us in others is actually what annoys us about our own personality. When you hear yourself pointing it out, think about how you may act the same and either stop acting that way or stop pointing it out …either way is a win win.
*If I wear an outfit that I have to fidget with all night long because it doesn’t fit right or changes position constantly, I will be focused on it and only it. All. Night. Long. {allNiyeet} ~ And that is just boring.
*Making excuses just prolongs misery. Some people like to be miserable.
*If you don’t figure out how to get what you want, you never will.
*Corona with a lime does not taste like pee anymore.
Happy Saturday!