I spent last night and this morning trying to write a compelling and inspirational Monday Motivation post, but everything just sounded and felt too harsh. I’ve walked away from my computer about a hundred times, throwing my hands up thinking “I guess it’s just not going to happen this week”.
But my mind keeps at it, and writer’s block continues, which usually means that I’m not allowing myself to open to the truth about what is really going on, or maybe what my subconscious is trying to get through to me. In which case, fear may be holding me back.
And then I think, well it’s fear that I should focus on and write about steps to conquering fear… but as much as I’m holding back on listening to my inner being, I still don’t think fear is the main emotion behind it, it’s just the thing holding me back from my truth.
All of this is to say that I am not currently aligned with myself in a way that I’d like to be, and that I’m probably trying too hard, working too much, trying to force SOMETHING to happen instead of just being patient and allowing everything to fall into place.
Patience is and has always been my biggest challenge and struggle in life, when it comes to well, pretty much everything I guess.
I feel like I’ve put so much out there in the past few years and have been working so hard and still nothing has materialized from my efforts, which is difficult to say the least… and “nothing” is relative, because obviously I have progressed, but When you have to keep working at something (or at everything) and it feels like nothing is “paying off” yet, in relative terms, the motivation and inspiration to continue working diligently at it is hard to come by. I’m trying to enjoy the journey but it’s taking far longer than I’d like it to.
To stay positive and driven and excited about a project is a test to your commitment and discipline and most of all, in your belief that it will be a success and your underlying love for it.
But for now, patience is key. It’s the only thing I can do. And it feels lazy or like I’m not moving forward, resisting what IS.
But I can reframe it so that it can work for me…
If I think I have to just be patient right now, I cringe…
BUT, if I think…
…it suddenly becomes a challenge or a fun new game that makes me think on a whole new level!
And that’s exciting!
Now the idea of “Practicing Patience” has got me intrigued and positive and happy about where I am right now instead of negative and resisting and just going through the motions.
Practice. Patience. Practice. Patience. Practice. Patience.
Can you think of an area in your life where you are feeling negative and resisting what is
and it’s keeping your from either moving forward toward your goal or keeping you in a negative mindset when you need to be in a positive one? Can you think of a way to reframe it into something that will work for you to turn it into something positive and fun or challenging that will keep you moving towards your goal?
Sometimes (or oftentimes) it’s just our beliefs associated with whatever it is we are resisting. Patience feels like laziness to me and I don’t like feeling lazy – so I resist it and thus it takes even longer and is even harder to reach my goal. By reframing it into something positive, I’m allowing a whole new world of possibility in simply by changing my belief around it.
I’m going to meditate and spend a little time now thinking about all the ways I can Practice Patience (because it literally came to me as I was writing this post) and how those little efforts may jumpstart something new… because that sounds fun and productive and feels like forward motion and positivity!
Happy Monday Lovecats!
* Find all my #MondayMotivation posts here
Image via OneOfAKind.Life -my new side project- because I don’t have enough going on, lol.