That chest of drawers you see above used to be standard Ikea birch until about 2 weekends ago when I refinished them {there are 2!} and added those hilariously fabulous little lion’s head pullsto complete the transformation. Now …I’m in love.
Did I think my office/closet/dressing room makeover was going to take THIS long to finish? No I did not. Am I happy with where it’s at now? Yes I am . . . but it’s still not entirely finished. Many items have not found their permanent homes yet and art has not gone up on the walls either. I’ll show you a complete before and after next week when I hope to be finished but for now, here’s a sneak peak of all the girlie goodness that is bursting out of this room . . . and yes, it’s a photo overload today Enjoy!

* Confetti System Garland . . . I couldn’t resist!
* Vintage silk bolero jacket, custom “Barracuda” hat, DIY wood bead necklace, leopard print fabric/aka. scarf.
* Surprisingly found this adorable little pink ottoman at Lamps Plus while picking up new shades for my vintage lamps
* This book was a gift from my father in law and it’s AMAZING. I’ll have to do an entire post dedicated to it. It’s GINORMOUS.
* New Chloe sunglasses …find them here
* My Mom {in a dress she hand-made which I still have}, her mom and her mom’s mom, holding me {an infant} in her lap
* Vintage hat boxes with vintage hats inside + a lady light {for lack of better term}, which belonged to my Grandma
* Vintage elephant figurine from Vietnam …from the Sherman Oaks Antique Mall . . . love that place!
* Crocheted turtle Tiffany from I am Style-ish sent me a few years ago.
* Vintage candy dish from the Sherman Oaks Antique Mall and silver sequined clutch
* Glass head also from the Sherman Oaks Antique Mall …necklace from Julie Garces
* Gold sequined “M” Shill sent me years ago when we all were newbie bloggers.
* These beauties began on one of my taller dressers, as seen in the first photo, but now they live on a stack of magazines . . . and THIS is why this room is taking forever. And yes, I am a perfectionist

. . . and last but not least, my favorite little ShutUP print {taken with Instagram} perfectly placed by the phone.