Mid-summer I sort of {temporarily} gave up my dream of having a beautiful front lawn when I realized that no matter how much I watered it, the little neighborhood birds were going to continue to meet there every morning and eat up all the grass seed until it was gone …which they did …month after month. And as an added side bonus, use our surrounding gate as a restroom afterword. Yeah, awesome, I know it.
However, with Halloween around the corner, I knew it was going to make a perfectly creepy cemetery …which the husband has always wanted me to create. So since directly after Halloween I’m going to attempt to grow some grass in time for Thanksgiving, I thought why not really make it authentic and dig up the dirt a bit?

A few of the neighborhood kids have already begun lurking around the corners of our house, trying to get a peek at it …which I never imagined would happen, or be as adorable as it is. {and I’m not even done yet ;}