The other day after finishing up a sweater DIY I wanted a pretty hanger in which to display it on for the photo and quickly whipped this up in about five minutes. I’m sure it’s been done before, since it’s just so simple, but it was pretty enough to share and actually made a nice hanger for my sweater considering the thickness of the sequins. However, I ended up not really liking any of the photos of the sweater actually hanging on it, but alas, I made a pretty hanger, and you can too.
Here’s What You’ll Need…

* A hanger {I prefer this thin black velvet hanger – though ivory velvet would look nice too}
* Sequin trim in any color {mine is gold and stretchy and left over from this D&G shoe diy and this fun spirit finger ring diy}
* Needle and thread

* Poke the hanger hook through enough sequin trim to cover one side of the hanger width without stretching it… and then the other – and trim off the excess.

* Fold over each side equally. There will be a little black velvet {or whatever color your hanger is} showing in the center which I actually liked. You can add more sequins to cover it but it isn’t necessary if your hanger is nice-looking.

* Hiding your knotted thread end within, hand stitch the ends of the sequins together along the edge of the hanger, hiding your thread among the sequins as you go.

* Snip the excess, but leave enough to fold in/under – stitch in place, hiding your thread within and knot it to secure it in place for good.
And… Voila!

* The bow is optional. You can simply hand-tie a pretty satin bow where the hook meets the hanger OR create one like mine out of grosgrain ribbon, by using two ribbons, one folded into loops and the other folded in half over the top of the loops to hang down in the back, then stitching the center around the bottom/back edge to hold it together…. and adding a pretty decorative button to the center. It creates an open area in the back you can slip through the hanger hook. I actually made this as a pin/brooch to wear in 2009 {and sell in my then-Etsy store} – but for this, I simply slipped the backing where I originally slid the pin in with the hanger hook instead.

This would make a nice DIY gift in a set of three-five hangers in various sequin colors and ribbons OR for a bride-to-be with pretty lingerie hanging from it for her bridal shower OR a kid-sized version would be adorable too {I’m thinking I shall make a few for Miss Delilah George — and I did… check them out here ;}.

Have Fun!
* Find all my DIYs here
* Check out the bright and shiny Princess Hangers I made for Delilah