How Stinkin’ CUTE is this Ikea Duktig Kitchen Makeover!?!?!
Just about the cutest, dreamiest little kitchen play set I have ever seen! I would have DIED to have this as a kid!
I wish I had done this myself!
But alas, I did not.
Apparently it’s a “thing” to makeover these mod kitchen sets (because how fun!) and while some are similar, I just LOVE Catherine’s Ikea Duktig Kitchen Makeover at Dainty Dress Diaries the MOST!
Check out Catherin’es YouTube videos to hear her adorable accent as well!

Look how she’s even painted her cookware to match!

There must be so many fun options to go with when “renovating” your Ikea Duktig kitchen… but this very feminine version is just the sweetest.

Is it giving you ideas to makeover your kids toys? I don’t even have kids and I’m thinking about it!

Catherine has also given her sweet cat, Blondie’s food table a chic makeover as well. Check out the DIY here!

I love a good marble contact paper DIY, see my Ikea Desk Marble Makeover here… but Catherine has taken hers to another level and I just love it!
Have Fun & Get Creative!
* Find all my DIYs here