What I’m Wearing
* Watermelon pink 50’s shirtdress {manufactured in the 80’s} by The American Shirt Dress Company. I’ve had this dress for longer than I’ve known my husband and have never worn it. I almost sold it on Ebay a dozen times but something kept urging me to keep it. The color is very watermelon in person but photographs very pink pink so I had to add some filters to adjust for it. Needless to say I’m glad I never sold it …it makes a very fun birthday dress 😉
* Vintage silk green scarf as belt
* All vintage jewelry …some my grandma’s and some thrifted + D&G gold watch.
* Boutique 9 nude anklestrap heels. I was actually wishing I had a vibrant pair of shoes to match the intensity of the pink and green but alas, I do not. Nude to the rescue
* Tom Ford anouk cat eye sunglasses forever and ever 😉
Today I am no longer in my early 30’s. I have crossed the threshold …I have plateaued at 35 and after this year I will be considered in my “late 30’s”. I’m actually quite happy in my 30’s. In fact, when I was a child I couldn’t wait to be a “grown up woman in her 30’s”. It’s funny to look back at my childhood and remember so looking forward to this time in my life. I must have either had fantastic intuition or willed it true because I was right. After a very trying “20’s” I have settled quite nicely into my 30’s. I hope you have or will get to experience the 30-something goodness as well …and I hope I can say the same at 45, 55, 65, 75 and 85 …I’ll stop there, you get the idea.
{and then I turned the music up and THE FINAL COUNTDOWN, by Europ was playing …oh irony}
bye, bye 34!
My office is oooooozing with a ridiculous amount of cluttered femininity and I love it to pieces! I smile every time I walk in it and find myself looking around while sitting at my desk. It’s almost done and I can’t wait to show you. I know, still teasing, but every other room in the house I’ve revealed before it was complete then sort of regretted it so I have to just wait until it’s perfect. Above is a glimpse of one of the walls I was having the most trouble figuring out what to do with but my time off has proven itself through inspired creativity and motivation to finish. I’m in love.

Happy Hump Day!
And Happy Birthday to any other June 1st babies today …including Ms. Marilyn Monroe 😉