What I’m Wearing…
* English Factory striped ruffle sweater (also seen here with black jeans)
* Blank NYC white jeans
* Old Skool Vans
* Balenciaga bag
* Title: Alina Baraz – Electric (feat. Khalid)… Melting like ice on a summer day… Hold me like you mean it, take me far away… Bodies movin’ and temperature rising… Take me to the top then watch me fall in
It’s 3:47am and I’m icing my ankle (you know, the one that’s been swollen and in pain since around 2007, the one I keep WAITING to heal, but won’t, yeah that one). It’s been aching the last few days after being on my feet non-stop for 5 nights straight since we opened (Dogwood Tavern) last Saturday night.
Yes, that means, I’m in full waitress/server mode, running around taking drink and food orders and delivering said orders as well. And while I am actually having a BLAST doing it (most nights) I don’t think I was really ready to be a waitress again at the ripe old age of 41 (lol). Admittedly, it’s not entirely as easy as it was the last time I did it in my early twenties, and my damn ankle isn’t making it any easier.
I suppose I didn’t quite think this whole thing through maybe… maybe I wasn’t entirely thinking that by owning a bar I was really just setting myself up to be a waitress again (unless I learn to bartend, which I’d like to because honestly, as an owner, I need to know how to do everything just in case of an emergency) but I must have been naive in thinking that I wouldn’t be running around all night bringing drinks to people and making sure everyone is happy. I think it’s really just going to take a little more time figuring out the balance of feeling like hired help in my own establishment and owning and running the place.
Right now we’re trying to get back on our feet so to speak – financially – after the renovation that quite frankly, sucked us dry (thanks to the owners of the building who didn’t necessarily continue to reimburse us for our work as our contract stated, and we did all of the work ourselves), so now that we’re open, we’re still doing all the work ourselves (besides our cook and second bartender on the weekends) and man we have been busy!
I’m not complaining at all, even though I’m sure I sound like I am, I think it’s all still slightly shocking to me that we’re finally open and it’s all happening and after just about a week after opening, we’re really starting to get into the swing of things… and if I haven’t said it enough, it is definitely FUN.
But it’s funny… I almost feel like back in my early days of blogging, where I was just trying to fit it in whenever I could, shooting outfits on the fly, and editing them at the art gallery to post before the boss got in. Except now, I meet my photographer (my mom, lol) at a location on the way to work (instead of setting up my tiny digital camera on my car off of Mulholland somewhere and shooting my own outfits like in the early days) and we shoot and then we chat for a second and I run off to work my night shift at the bar.
God that sounds SO FUNNY!!!
I haven’t really “worked” outside of my home (except for specific blogging events, etc.) in about 7 years and the entire thing is quite surreal, I have to say… without sounding too cliche or lame. It’s hard to explain but it’s fun and it’s exciting and I love learning new things and all of it is happening at once and soon, very soon, I’ll finally have a nice and healthy life balance, where I have a schedule again and can work accordingly, and that’s nice to know. The renovation had us up crazy hours (though I’m sure that may not change entirely) but left us bouncing all over the place with no real schedule, so it’s actually comforting to know that I’ll have a routine again soon… as long as it doesn’t get boring 😉

Happy Friday the 13th Lovecats!
* Find all my Style Posts here