it was so windy, I could only get a few outfit shots
a tumbleweed in the middle of the road in the hills
What I’m Wearing …a relaxed, comfy day
* J Brand “Houlihan” skinny cargo pants …last seen here in August I still love these pants.
* Gray trapeze tank from a little boutique in the Valley called Voila!
* Heritage 1981 gray cardigan
* Short sleeve over sized cardigan from Victoria’s Secret {which was unnecessary actually because it was so warm out}
* Rosegold gray boots …last seen here with shorts and on the same back road just a different part of it
Because it’s a much prettier drive than taking the freeways {and I can’t pull over on the freeway to pose for an outfit shoot} I take the canyons to and from the gallery the three days a week I work. I know the canyons like the back of my hand because years ago, I lived at the top of one of them. There are tons of sneaky little roads between The Valley & Hollywood and/or Beverly Hills, and it’s fun to know the secrets. Now that I’m living back in Sherman Oaks, I take Beverly Glenn on the Valley side to get up to Mulholland …and on my drive home, usually sitting in traffic, I look up to my right at all the houses on stilts and wonder how on earth anyone would choose to live in one.

Now, if I take a certain back road off of Beverly Glenn instead of taking it all the way down, {which I often do because I use it as a location for my outfit shots as seen above} I get to see the homes up close and personal …and honestly, they freak me out even more.

Would you ever choose to live in a house built on stilts? …or do you now?

This is what the sunset looked like from our backyard. It’s been considerably warm for this time of year however, I’m not sure I can remember a Christmas that wasn’t sunny and warm. A bit of white snow would be a nice change