If you’re following along my Instagram or my Substack, you probably already know this, but I’ve started a little something on YouTube, just to see where it goes. I’ve committed myself to one video a week for a month, and even though I already wanted to give up, I didn’t… I haven’t and I’m not going to. I’m not sure where it will lead or if the videos will change over time into something completely different, but for now, I’m doing it. Because sometimes you just have to START and do the thing that keeps nagging at you even if you’re afraid and unsure exactly what or why you’re doing it. But when you hear that calling within you, it stays until you either push it way down or you just do it and I, for one know that when you just do it, it will lead to greatness. Again, EVEN IF, it doesn’t end up being the thing that “works” because your energy is there and in motion, other opportunities will come or new ideas will branch out. I’ve seen how it works and I loved this thread on instagram about having the AUDACITY to put yourself out there and JUST DO IT. So I’m also encouraging you to do it too. Start now, whatever it is you’ve always wanted to do, even if it seems silly or embarrassing or you’re worried about what other people think, DO IT. It’s your life and if you don’t live it in a way that feels authentic to you, then who will?
Happy Monday Lovecats!
* Find all my Monday Motivation posts here