I’ve been dying to DIY lately but have been lacking creative inspiration since the months before October, wherein I think I overdid it in the costume department and hit DIY burnout.
iVillage reached out to a bunch of DIYers, myself included, to participate in their 30 Days of HoliDIY which began November 18th and ends December 18th, and late last night I thought, Why not do it too?
Sure December is a busy month, but that’s when I like to add extra pressure it seems, so I’ve decided to give myself a little challenge to spark creativity again and get my DIY wheels turning. This challenge will include all kinds of DIYs: fashion, home decor, holiday, and more, and will begin tomorrow! I’ll add a thumbnail and link to this page for each day’s DIY and keep a button on my sidebar for easy access.
Come back every day for a new DIY tutorial in addition to my regular posts & contributor posts. Also note that if you subscribe via email, you may be getting more than one a day this month, though I’ll try to group as many into one day’s blast as possible.
Happy December, Lovecats!
If you were following along, then you know the story already… but I had a few things come up and unfortunately couldn’t complete the full 30 days of DIY {sadface} so I stopped at 12, but I’ll pick up again soon with new DIYs for the new year!! You can still click through the links below to see the 12.