Welcome to my tiny closet. It sucks. Okay, it doesn’t suck but it could be better. I’m making due {do?} and using every nook and cranny I can to organize and fit my wardrobe/collection into. I really wanted to avoid the whole closet post until I actually had my dream closet but have received so many emails asking to see it I thought I might as well.
. . . and running out of room, I recently added this

…which originally was going to be an actual piece of furniture. But since we are moving in June I figured it would just be one more thing to move that wasn’t going to fit in with the new decor of our fabulous new house. So a few weekends ago I found this free standing storage closet …for $19.99 which will be brilliant for storage in the future. I chose the plastic covering over no covering for two reasons 1. I wanted to hide the clutter 2. I wanted to prevent dust as this was going to be the place where I stored the more special pieces in my wardrobe.
…and it actually works quite well

I’ve used this Burberry box from my trench to store all of my favorite little purses and clutches in and slide it right under the storage unit

My favorite hangers are the crystal cut plastic {I have a few pink vintage ones from my grandma}, the slim flocked hangers and the wood clip hangers for skirts and pants …although they take up too much room, they are the sturdiest and I can hang a few pairs on one.

This tall and narrow dresser from Ikea holds my underwear, bras, socks, bathing suits & lingerie

I save most shoe boxes and stack them up. I love the Velvet Angels boxes because the slide out like drawers. Behind all the hanging clothes though, there are more shoes …hidden. They are shoes that I don’t necessarily wear right now but are still “keepers” so they can sit in the back quietly out of the way. Behind this stack of boxes is a shoe shelf on the ground like the one above.
Using a version of this over the door hook system, I hang all sweatshirts/hoodies. Confession: I own quite a few Juicy sweat suits …none of which I wear out of the house any more but they are the comfiest and last the longest.

I also use a few over the door hooks on the back of the bedroom door for my scarves, pashminas, and cardigans. Not to mention the three dressers full of clothes and accessories that you can’t see. Or the plastic bins in our storage shed on the patio full of more clothes, shoes and bags. And let me tell you, there is STILL NOT ENOUGH SPACE. …but some day. SOME DAY! {raises fist in the air}
I hope you’re happy now 😉