I found Ashley Longshore on Instagram a few months ago and I’ve been obsessed ever since. She’s bold and she’s beautiful and she’s fun af and her paintings encompass all those things and she has the kind of energy that’s contagious.
Her colorful art studio is what drew me to her as an artist and her paintings captured my heart, but watching her hilarious daily Instagram stories are what made me fall for her as a person.
I adore her take on modern pop culture and stereotypes and how she twists it all into art… and her furniture collection is more like sculptural art that should have special placement in a house or studio rather than something to just sit on – but you can totally sit on it. She has a fun Anthropologie collection, and a book, You Don’t Look Fat, You Look Crazy that want to read asap…
For all of that and more, you should totally follow her
I N S T A G R A M // @ashleylongshoreart
W E B S I T E // Ashley Longshore

Her Studio…

Client’s Spaces…

A Little Monday Motivation for ya…

* All photos from Ashley Longshore’s Instagram feed.