At first glance, abstract artist Ann Langlois’s moody and textural paintings reminded me of Mark Rothko’s classically monumental and emotional works. But upon further inspection, I couldn’t help seeing a bit more of a Helen Frankenthaler vibe, with the pretty and feminine brushstrokes and overlapping colors.
In any case, and whatever her influence, Ann’s paintings are beautifully deep and wonderful to get lost into.
If you’re a longtime follower, you’ll know that I worked as a graphic and web designer for an art dealer for over ten years and finally quit at the end of 2011 so I could blog full time.
I miss seeing drollgirl and being in the art gallery, surrounded by now-timeless contemporary art and artists. I had some art history familiarity prior to working at the gallery, but most of my contemporary art knowledge came from working on the job. In fact, I had to color correct digital photos of the works with such precision, I found myself getting very familiar with techniques and colors of certain artists that I couldn’t have really gained anywhere else. Learning through experience sometimes takes a bit longer, but the knowledge comes with a story rather than being taught in school, which is not to say that school isn’t necessary, but experience provides another layer to your story, forever imprinting your soul.
* Check out Ann Langlois website for more paintings, prices available upon request… and scroll down for a few of my favorites.