What I’m Wearing…
* Vintage Ghostbusters T-shirt was a hand-me-down from this lady
* Vintage Levi’s jeans I bought vintage in the ’90s from the Rosebowl Swap Meet
* Gucci watch w/ pink face / Tiffany bracelet
* Balenciaga classic town bag
* White Converse Chuck Taylor All Stars low
* Title: lyrics from Ray Parker, Jr. ‘Ghostbusters’
I’m into graphic tees lately… and wearing all my old clothes from the ’90s, obviously. The shirt actually isn’t that old, in my possession anyway, but the jeans I used to LIVE IN in the late ’90s. I think I was about 19 when I got them and I originally wore them with large cuffs at the bottom, then I slit the seems up the sides to give them more of a flared look and though they still “fit” now, they are admittedly a bit more snug than they were back in the day.
In other news, I’m feeling a bit burnt out again… maybe it’s just summer. maybe I’m just over it.

Happy Tuesday Lovecats!
* Find all my outfit posts here