What I’m Wearing…
* Vintage pink sweater – also seen here with Levi’s cut offs
* Levi’s 505 C Cropped Slim Straight Jeans ( size down for a tighter fit )
* Chinese Laundry pink blush lace up booties … I love these. They’re like this hybrid ballet sl
* Nearly vintage pink Prada Tessuto bag (purchased in 2003 and dusted off this day to complete the mismatched pinks)
* Title: ZAYN – Dusk Till Dawn ft. Sia… Can you feel where the wind is? Can you feel it through . All of the windows . Inside this room? I wanna feel it too .

I walked along the lake path near my house yesterday, which is rather uncommon these days, as I prefer the lanes around my house – for not only connecting with nature, but also, the steep hills give me a better workout… But I decided it was a day for a lake walk, and usually those are the days when I need answers or am seeking advice and kind of throw it out to the Universe, asking for obvious signs in which direction to go.
And so I did. Exasperated, I literally threw my arms up in the air and said… what do I do? Really, I honestly do not know how to proceed with this and this and this… Please send me a sign that I am either on the right path or give me a clue as to which direction to go if I’m not.
And then I realized I had become the woman who not only talks to the trees, but a woman who also talks to herself… out loud… while alone in the forest.
Hi. Nice to meet you. I’m insane…
I walked for a while just breathing and thinking and not really thinking -because sometimes when you finally just surrender to the unknowing, your mind suddenly goes silent – and taking in the beauty of the lake and the late summer scenery with gratitude felt like my walking there already had purpose…
…and then, as I followed the path along the bend, just around a corner I saw a few little blackbirds on the ground in front of me.
There were three of them I think, with bright yellow eyes, and each looked at me before they just sort of casually decided to walk down the side of the hill.
I thought it was odd considering the bluebirds ahead of them quickly took flight upon my arrival – a normal reaction of a bird seeing a human approaching.
I didn’t think much of it at first, and continued on my walk… until I spotted more blackbirds in my path, and then a few that walked with me, and then on my way back, an entire beach bay full of them, and as I walked through the bay to the stairs, they too walked up the stairs and to the path above and it was then that I finally realized that the blackbirds were my sign.
I rarely see little blackbirds up here. Ravens and crows, yes. Bluebirds and Blue Jays, yes. Little red birds and woodpeckers? Also yes. Little blackbirds I’ve not really ever noticed I don’t think… And whether they’ve been here all along or not (which let’s face it, they probably have), the fact that there were so many on my walk that specific day was the only clue I needed to search their symbolism once I returned home.
And while I didn’t get any solid answers… the following excerpts from a few different blackbird symbolism pages did shake me a little considering the question I asked..
[the blackbird] comes to you when you have been doubting yourself and assures you that you have the answers to your own questions. All you have to do is look inside yourself, because what you seek is already brewing there.
When the blackbird animal totem comes flitting into your life, it’s letting you know that big changes are coming into your life right now. Although these changes have been in the works for a while, they are only now ready to burst forth and become your reality.
The blackbird teaches you how to acknowledge your power and use it to its fullest.
Embrace the mystery. find rapture in the unknown. the mystery is always there for us, pondering it brings us closer to our spirit. in this mystery we glimpse our highest potential.
It is in the silence of the quiet moments with self that you fall into the great mystery, and when you fall here, you find yourself. You find what you are made of, what feeds your sacred soul, and you awaken to the call of your spirit and your purpose here in this deep, grand, beautiful mystery, and you know that one day when you are ready, all of the mysteries will be revealed to you and you will truly be home.
The blackbird is letting you know that the forces of nature are at work and that big changes are coming into your life right now. These changes have been slowly manifesting all around you and are now ready to burst forth and become reality. If you pay close attention to where you see this bird you may be able to foresee what changes are coming.
This bird brings omens, mysticism and reveals a fear that is ruling you. This will open your energy to receive new adventures and life experiences.
While I’m still not entirely decided on what to do with anything at all in my life, the blackbirds were a little reassuring at a least, showing me that I’m on the right path… which is exactly what I asked for.
I suppose next time I’ll be a little more specific.
* Sources: The blackbird spirit guide // A Light in the Darkness // Blackbird: Omen or Blessing // Blackbird symbolism // Symbolic meaning of blackbirds // Blackbird Totem Symbolism

Happy Friday Lovecats!
* Find all my Style Posts here.