Top two beaded hair clip images originally found at Ladybirds Nest
These multi-color strands of seed beads bring back fond memories of the early 90’s: Catholic School uniforms with simple little single strands around our necks, oxford shirts unbuttoned to show our bodysuits or camisoles beneath …oh the 90’s. I was written up & served many an afternoon or Saturday at detention in high school …some for talking in class but most were for uniform violations. You can imagine why 🙂
Here’s What You’ll Need…
* Multicolored seed beads
* Snap clip or barrette {I also thought I’d wrap an elastic headband}
* Needle your beads fit through and thread
* Scissors
* Double thread your needle & knot at the end. {length will depend on how long you want your beads to hang. Mine is about 25″ from tip to end. Leave enough thread to knot the end when finished}
* Thread your beads onto your needle.
* When you’ve determined how long you want it, stop and knot the other end. Cut the excess thread.
* Open clip and slide beaded strand through. The snap clips will be the easiest to keep your strands in place so there is no need to glue or stitch to the clip unless you want to. The Monki barrettes shown have the beads crossed over the top & probably stitched together but I don’t find it necessary. It’s a choice you can make.
And… Voila!
You can wear it on behind your ear as well so the beads hang down around your neck …a bit like those hair wraps we wore in the late 80’s/early 90’s …what were they called again?
Have Fun!
* Find all my DIYs here