Proof that I no longer give a shit about underwear lines. I truly am old.
What I’m Wearing
* Green/Yellow Triumph t-shirt …I’ve had this shirt forever. A couple of old friends used to make them …and rebuild vintage Triumph motorcycles as well …I lost the friends to an ex. Such a bummer, they were good people.
* DL1961 Premium Denim gray jeans {Gilt Group} …I love these jeans. They are so comfy. …seen here and here
* Black Victoria’s Secret cardigan
* Vintage London Fog members only style jacket
* Michael Kors black open toe stiletto biker boots or {here …also from Gilt Group but you can get em from the link above. …seen here
* Tom Ford Sunnies
* D&G watch
* Salvatore Ferragamo bag
I got an email this morning from Flickr saying and image I had posted was in violation and if there were more then my account could be deleted without notification. I gotta say, it kind of freaked me out considering I use flickr to host/hold all my photos for my blog. I may have to make them all private at this point because I’m a bit afraid I’m going to wake up one morning and realized not a single photo on my blog is working …and not only that, that they are all deleted! I use flickr to store my photos …meaning, I delete most of them from my computer {but not my iphoto} once uploading. Man I hate that shit. It was a mistake as well. …from my Gwen Stefani post wherein I included links and all the owner’s info beneath the image in flickr and thought that would be sufficient. Whatevs. I’m just worried now.
HOWEVER, I did have an amazing night’s rest last night, better than I’ve had in months, I’d say and I’m willing to bet it’s the St. John’s Wort I started taking …or maybe I was just tired. Either way, it sure feels good to sleep well.