What I’m Wearing
* Gray knit puff sleeve dress BCBG …seen here and here
* Black jersey turtleneck underneath …and makes is a bit lumpy where it ends but the cardigan covers it.
* Over sized short sleeve cardigan over from Victoria’s Secret …last seen here
* Net tights …old …unknown
* American Apparel black thigh high socks …a considerably cheaper way to get the thigh high boot look without actually buying thigh high boots …although it’s a contemporary version of Julia Roberts’ “Pretty Woman” hooker look which I wouldn’t be wearing to work if the boss was in town.
* Dolce Vita knee high leather boots … last seen here
* Silver mirrored Ray-ban Aviators …husband’s
* Silver hearts/hoops earrings
* D&G octagon mirrored watch w/gray/white leather band. love. …gilt.com Have you seen the D&G watch commercial? …so scandalously delish!
Oh I am feeling so much better today …normal, that is. I got plenty of sleep and am so happy it’s Friday. It’s obvious to me when I’m “normal” because I actually care about getting dressed in the morning ..am more creative and do my hair …all seemingly frivolous and insignificant but good signs that my head is working for me creatively and not against me, trying to take me down.

I must admit that in the car on the way to work this morning I was a bit of a C word to a fellow lady driver on the road. She was just getting so upset that it was hard to not antagonize her even more …and I have been in her position so many times I should have been the bigger person and not fucked with her but it was just too easy. At one point she pulled up next to me {driver’s side} and out of my peripheral could see her roll her passenger side window down then proceed to SCREAM AT ME at the top of her lungs. {this happened 3 times} All the while I didn’t even look in her direction …just continued to look at my ipod and sing {mostly Rihanna’s “Photographs”} …which I’m sure INFURIATED her even more …and just made me giggle with delight …what whore I am. muaahahahah.