* Recipe by guest contributor Laney Schwartz, creator of Life is But a Dish
Guess what?
It’s Pizza Day! Yep, Pizza Day is officially a thing now.
On the 15th of every month I will be eating pizza AND posting a new pizza recipe on Life is But a Dish to share with you! I’m excited, are you excited?!
With spring in the air (and daylight savings kicking my butt), I decided to make a “springy” like pizza using fresh asparagus, yummy pesto, and of course that oh-so-delightful creamy burrata cheese. YAAAS!

Pizza Day is, and forever will be an extremely meaningful day in my life. And not just because I get to eat pizza…
Pizza Day was created to remember and celebrate the lives of two incredible people who tragically lost their lives almost one year ago. Dick and Jody Vilardo were the parents of one of my closest high school friends. I spent many afternoons and weekends at the Vilardo household, eating, watching old movies, gossiping about boys, and of course my most favorite memory…laughing. I had so many laughs at that house. Like roll on the floor, slow clap belly laughs. A huge part of what made that house so great, were her parents. They always had an open door policy and invited friends inside with open arms, a warm hug, a giant smile, and probably a corny joke:)

On May 10, 2015, Mother’s Day, the news of Dick and Jody’s death left family and friends completely devastated. I wanted to do something, ANYTHING to help. I quickly learned about ways in which the Vilardo family came together to live positiviley and celebrate life as their parents would have wanted them to.
First, in the fall of 2015 the Dick and Jody Foundation was created. The foundation hopes to continue Dick and Jody’s passion and positive influence for helping others in their community. For more information about this foundation, check out the website.
Second, Dick Vilardo was lovingly known as Grandpa Pizza by his grandchildren…is there anything cuter??? He was only allowed to eat pizza once a month, doctors orders! So every month on the 15th, Dick and Jody enjoyed pizza night together! And lots of wine of course!
Thus, Pizza Night was born. I love the idea of sharing this night with friends and family, all the while remembering this incredible couple and the Vilardo family.
So, cheers to you Dick and Jody. And happy Pizza Day.

Click through for the full recipe: Asparagus, Burrata, & Pesto Pizza
You can thank me later.