DIY jewelry

DIY Blue Beaded Bracelet with Crystal Heart

 DIY blue bracelet with crystal heart

I made this cute little beaded blue bracelet with a crystal heart after seeing the #BlueFriendshipBracelet trend go viral overnight on TikTok after the original election results came in and the country felt so divided between people who thought voting for a man with questionable values was more appropriate than voting for someone who was more qualified for the job than maybe ANY person who had come before her. For me, it was beyond the “personalities” and more about basic human rights and feeling like people didn’t really understand what they had signed up for when the red party’s candidate takes office again.

The overwhelming negative feeling that fell over me, like a heavy raincloud – no, a thunderstorm – no, A BLIZZARD, that had fallen on others as well, had me feeling completely hopeless for humankind. This might sound dramatic, but it was heavy. Out in public I felt like I was looking at other women with a side eye, wondering who they voted for, wondering “what side they were on” and I knew that people were also looking at me that same way.

When the blue bracelet trend popped up on TikTok I felt like it was a way to show the world what side I was on, much like a MAGA hat, and suddenly made me feel a little less powerless. Though it was just a bracelet, it lifted my mood when I was really low.

The next day though, there seemed to be controversy over the bracelet (on TikTok) and then soon moved to Instagram as well, admonishing it and saying that looked more like a performative act that was also then being abused by the other side and so I took off my bracelet and again felt like hope was shattered. I understood the backlash… and just as much as it helped me feel united to what I thought was the “right” side, ultimately it too added to the divisiveness of our country.

A few weeks out now, and watching one, by one, the circus full of clowns brought in to lead our country, I am less concerned with all of it. I have had to completely stop paying attention to it, because it’s not only infuriating, it’s a joke, and I couldn’t continue wasting my days being controlled by it.

ANYWAY… I still think the bracelet is cute and you can make it in any color beads you like, so I share it here as a peace offering of sorts, 😆 a token of jewelry that means nothing at all but that is still cute and super simple to make 💙

DIY blue bracelet with crystal heart

Here’s What I Used…

* I had leftover blue crystal beads (6mm Briolette Beads, specifically) from this DIY Headdress I made years ago that are the most beautiful shade of blue and since I wasn’t sure if I had enough to go all the way around, I found a crystal heart bead Swarovski sent me years ago, among others that I haven’t used and have just been waiting around for the perfect project. THIS was that project. Not only does the heart fill the space of 5-6 blue beads, it also feels far more meaningful to me. I also have a heart tattoo on my inner wrist, so it mimics it on the outside, which I love. I also used a few random clear beads throughout the design, again, to make space just in case, but also to tie in the heart bead. I can’t seem to find a similar heart to mine… but this one is cute and this one and this one. If you have children, you probably have some beading kits in your house you can use! 😀

* Fine stretch elastic… technically called Beading Cord Elastic, which I’ve had for years and have used off and on. I wanted this to be a bracelet I could throw on and off, which is why I opted for elastic, but beading wire with a clasp closure or string could have worked as well. This is by far the easiest option though.

* Scissors to cut the elastic and a lighter to singe the edges OR you can use this Clear Bracelet Glue for a little more strength.

I’m not sure this truly needs an explanation, but I’ll do it anyway just to fill in the spaces.

Decide what beads you’d like to use… And what special beads you’d like to add.

Cut a nice, long elastic, with extra room (because it makes it easier to work with)

Carefully string your beads in whatever design you’d like. I just used my fingers, but these BEADING NEEDLES would have made it much easier.

Keep beading until you like your design… wrap it around your wrist to see if it’s long enough – super professional tip 😉

Once it’s the length you need, tie a knot… and then double and triple knot it… BUT NOT SO TIGHT that your beads shift because then it will be too tight on your wrist… BUT NOT SO LOOSE that you can see the string in between.

After securing your knot, use a lighter to singe the edges or elastic glue to make sure it stays put.

I actually made a quick little video on TikTok if you want to see it in real time…


And… Voila!

Happy Friday Lovecats!

* Find all my DIYs here
* Check out Top 100 DIY Blogs for more DIYs

Maegan Tintari

LA native & lifestyle blogger Maegan Tintari writes daily at sharing beauty & style secrets, including fashion DIYs, how-to nail art manicures, hair tutorials, recipes & home decorating ideas, as well as a look into her personal life, her journey & battle with infertility & recent relocation to the mountains by a lake in search of a better life with her adorable French Bulldog brothers, Trevor and Randy.

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