I was scrolling through my Instagram feed last Thursday or Friday and Chiara (creator of The Blond Salad) popped up in this adorable pearled hoodeie sweatshirt which is from her 2017/2018 collection… and I immediately thought I HAVE TO MAKE THIS. I don’t think hers is available for purchase yet and mine most probably does not compare (for instance, mine is a a little looser/sloppier and doesn’t have her eye logo), BUT it’s still really cute and gives this old hooded sweatshirt brand new life.

P H O T O | Chiara Ferragni Collection via Instagram
S H O P | Chiara Ferragni shoes
S H O P | Chiara Ferragni Collection
What You’ll Need…

- Loose-fitting but heavy/thick hooded sweatshirt (without stretch in the hood)
- Large craft pearls… and small
- Matching thread & Needle
- Scissors

PS. This is a REALLY simple DIY… though a bit time consuming.
- Begin at the top/center of your hood and work down each side to ensure your pearls line up correctly.
- Thread your needle, run it through the near-edge of the fabric of your hoodie (about 1/8″ in), string a large pearl, stitch it into place. Knot your thread to secure each pearl.
- Continue each individual pearl, spacing them appropriately.
- You may choose to keep the pearls a little loose OR string them tightly so they don’t move. I created mine somewhere in between.
- NOTE: I ran out of large pearls, so I used smaller ones near the bottom, though I think it actually worked out nicely.
And… Voila!

Have Fun!
* Find all My DIYs here