Whilst searching through the storage shed the other day on a quest to find our old Play Station 2 and DDR games in an effort to be more active, I found a childhood sketch pad and numerous fashion sketches -though not even close to all of them. Unfortunately they look like they’ve had some water damage and the marker from that teal ruffle skirt bled through all of them, but if you click to enlarge, you can see full detail.
These make me giggle. I remember drawing most of them, the thought that went into them and the fact that I labeled them “Summer”, “Winter”, and more specifically, “Night/Winter”. I thought they were quite thorough as far as matching coats and accessories and of course, a wedding gown and prom dress.
I don’t need to be reminded that I’ve been into fashion since well before these drawings but it’s interesting to me where certain life choices have led me. I think if life has taught me anything in my 33 years it’s that when you are passionate about something it will find its way back into your life because that’s what makes you happy. No matter how long it takes.
Thanks for allowing me to indulge my passion