It’s funny and adorable and strange and amazing to see my younger brother with his 2-1/2 year old daughter, my niece, Delilah. Funny because the six year age difference between he and I {I’m older} definitely had me convinced that I’d have kids first. Adorable, well, for obvious reasons. Strange, because he’s still my “little” brother. And Amazing to see what a fantastic father he is to her.
My brother just turned 30 at the end of May but when he was 15, and too young to drive, he acquired a 1962 Mercury Meteor that barely worked. And in the 15 years since, it has only actually worked for very small stints in between but has traveled on hitch from various houses my brother has lived at. For the last 5 years or so, my mom has been storing it, covered in her drive way, and not a day passed where I did not tell her to just sell the damn thing! But she kept it… and kept it… and kept it and now it has become a newfound project for by brother again. And we are living through one of those “stints” where it is actually working… and he’s actually driving it places… and it’s actually making him very happy.
Delilah likes to sit it in and “help” daddy “fix” it with her small tools and screw drivers, though she definitely doesn’t like the loud muffler sound that I’m sure pounds through her tiny body when the engine is revved. So sitting in it is the extent of her pleasure.
After shooting my sister in law, Morgan the other day {she’s gladly leant me her body for my book} I caught these two just chillin’ in the car and couldn’t resist snapping a few adorable and memorable shots of my brother’s first “baby”, the 60’s Mercury Meteor and his real baby, Delilah George… both of which put a very large smile across his face.

Happy Father’s Day