The last time Delilah visited, she discovered the three ginormous Camilla flower bushes that hide on the side of our house. They don’t get much watering other than rain and often leave wilted, fallen flowers scattered about. Delilah thought carefully while investigating them, then chose her favorites from every color – – pink, red, and white. After examining each flower for quite some time, she lined them up perfectly on the grass. She then called me to come take a look at her artistic creation. BEAUTIFUL! I exclaimed… not only to embrace her creativity promote more of it in the future, but also, it was beautiful!
She proceeded to pick up each flower and show me the details right down to the water droplets on the petals. I marveled at her attention to detail really, mostly because it was so similar to mine
For the following 20 minutes or more, she began placing each flower atop the solar powered lights that line my walkway… alternating flowers by color each time until she got it just perfect, then beginning again with the same excitement.
I love watching kids hard at work… watching their little minds trying to figure out solutions and create beauty from nothing for the first time. It’s magical really.