However, when I got there, it was closed. But after reading THIS POST @ K-line’s place …I have not been able to get that little cropped leather jacket out of my mind. So I thought I’d mosey on down to Goodwill to see if I could find something like it. I also have an amazing dress from Erin Leigh Heart that I’m looking for a little jacket to wear with as well. . .
While I didn’t have any luck with either of the above mentioned jackets on my list of items my wardrobe told me to look for, I did find about $75 worth of other fabulous items that I cannot wait to wear!
If you’re a long-time reader, you’d know that I love me some vintage. If something is fabulous …even if not fully wearable yet . ..I will buy it. Point in case, the Ralph Lauren dress I wore to work on Friday was purchased ages ago …and even made it to the pile of stuff “to sell” on ebay …but I never did. Because when something is fabulous …no telling, it will come back in style. And if you can score it for under $10 …it’s totally worth it.
Most of the stuff I snatched up went directly to the dry cleaners {a London Fog cropped members only style jacket, a little black bolero, a Sasson striped blazer} but I keep anything that I can wash myself {aka…cotton, polyester, etc.}.
The dress below is a cotton/poly blend and is made by All That Jazz …and I knew when I saw it that it had to be mine. I didn’t even try it on. I knew it was made for me.

However, I don’t wear body hugging attire too often because of my J.Lo sized back end. Not that I don’t love it {because I totally do} BUT …it warrants me a little more attention than is necessary …lol .. .and makes me a bit self conscious. If I were single, however, I’d probably flaunt it a bit more.
Now, I love this dress BUT …the question is …bra or no bra? I mean, nowhere in the history of fashion has it ever been acceptable to have your bra showing without looking tacky or Madonna-esque {which, don’t get me wrong, I totally love but is inappropriate for many occasions} …until Carrie Bradshaw came onto the picture and it seemed that no matter the dress style, she wore a regular bra {and I don’t know if we should thank Pat Field for that or the fact that SJP won’t be seen without a bra} …but either way, it seems completely more acceptable now {which makes me happy because I, like SJP, will not go without a bra}.
. . .but then there’s the back fat issue …with bras and such . but eh, I don’t mind it too much really.
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On a totally unrelated topic …I’m thinking about doing another Hair To tutorial …anything you are interested in seeing? {I’ll do it tonight before going out and post it tomorrow}