While I’ve done many Youtube videos over the years as a blogger, I’ve never done a vlogging series, and I’ve been thinking about sitting down casually and doing this for about a year and I’m just finally getting around to it now.
I filmed this yesterday afternoon sitting at my desk in my studio, and really loved the ease of it… note that for Youtube and people who don’t know me, I introduce myself and my blog, just fyi. As you’ll see in the video, I’ve been feeling a bit lost work-wise for a while now and am trying to figure out which direction to go… and since many of you have been on this journey with me since 2008 or so, I thought why not kind of get to know each other again with some real, down-to-earth chit chat? Maybe someday I can figure out how to livestream and take questions in the moment, like on Periscope or something, but for now I thought a vlogging Q&A type of exchange would hopefully be a fun new weekly series to spark my creativity again and maybe offer a bit of guidance to you as well.
We can talk about blogging, life, fertility, women’s issues, men’s issues, fashion, style, hair, makeup… WHATEVER YOU WANT! I think it will be fun to see what you guys wanna know about as well as get my wheels turning in a new way SO…
leave your questions in the comment section here or on Youtube {or Twitter/Facebook/Instagram} and next week I’ll film a little answer sesh where I’ll choose a 1-3 questions to answer in my next vlog. I just want to keep the videos under 5minutes, so basically I’ll answer as many questions as I can under 5.
Also, if you want me to include your handles or your blogs, etc. in my videos and/or linked from posts, be sure to include them with your questions! But if you want to be kept anonymous, you can email me at [email protected] and I’ll answer you just as well without revealing your identity 🙂
Watch below & enjoy this real talk blog chat with me… and ask me anything for next week!
If you can’t see the video above go to: A Few Minutes with Maegan // Blog Chat & watch it on Youtube.
Happy Tuesday Lovecats, Love Ya!